Norfolk Doulas 2022 Round Up
Norfolk Doulas is Growing
INDUCED into Induction – are we growing babies or rhubarb?
Grassroots Antenatal Group: Sheringham
The Portrayal of Breastfeeding in Literature
Norfolk-based doula and IBCLC B.J. Woodstein is also a university lecturer, translator and writer. Her two newest books might be of interest to other doulas and health professionals and to our clients. Both books can be ordered from libraries or purchased.
The first, The Portrayal of Breastfeeding in Literature, is a study of how breastfeeding is depicted in literature for adults and in children’s literature. In this book, B.J. compares English-language to Swedish-language literature and finds that – what a shock! – English-language lit tends to be quite negative about breastfeeding, suggesting that it is disgusting or wrong or problematic. On the other hand, Swedish-language books feature breastfeeding as a normal part of life. Not coincidentally, breastfeeding rates are much higher in Sweden than in English-speaking countries. This book is available at: ANTHEM PRESS.
B.J.’s other new book is We’re Here! A Practical Guide to Becoming an LGBTQ+ Parent. This book is aimed at both LGBTQ+ people and the professionals who work with them. It leads people through all the options there are for LGBTQ+ folks when it comes to family-building, giving birth, infant-feeding and more. There are many personal stories from LGBTQ+ people and health professionals, as well as lots of practical tips and information. It can be purchased through: PRAECLARUS PRESS.
B.J. is really excited about her books, which are both unique contributions to their respective fields. She can be contacted through her website: https://www.bjwoodstein.com/
Norfolk Doulas in the Papers
We are super proud of Norfolk doulas, Shauna Tate and Siobhán Ridley for their wonderful spread in the Eastern Daily Press, the regions primary newspaper. It is a wonderful thing when those in the public eye are rumoured to make use of various services as it can sometimes act as a catalyst for much needed publicity for those services. Such was the case when Meghan Markle was rumoured to have chosen a doula to support her as part of her birth squad. This news has generated a great deal of interest in doulas (a much misunderstood profession) and we hope that more women will become aware of the fact that there are more choices available for pregnancy, birth and postnatal support. Every woman deserves to be loved, nurtured, supported and encouraged free from judgement and agenda, throughout this pivotal time in their lives.
As a result of this exposure, the EDP spoke to Shauna and Siobhán about what doulas are and why they are beneficial to birthing people and their families. You can check out a digital version of the article HERE.For more information about what a doula does, visit What is a Doula?
To meet your local Norfolk doulas visit The Doulas
If you would like to have a chat about your birth and/or postnatal period and how a doula can support you, please get in touch via the Contact form. We’d love to hear from you.
Doulas aren’t just for Duchesses
Norfolk doula Siobhán, writes an informative piece about why you should have a doula for your first birth, just like Meghan:
“Doulas have been around since time memorial. They provide the ancient art of emotional, nurturing female support during the most vulnerable moments of a woman’s life – the day she gives birth. The doula community doesn’t shout about what we do. We work with families in strictest confidence, holding their secrets, the details of their journey and their personal stories, under lock and key in our mental filing cabinets. Behind the scenes we work tirelessly in whatever ways we can to change birth culture, to support vulnerable women, to spread good quality information, to counter the dearth of click bait rubbish and to spread as much emotional and practical care as possible. We’re so busy doing all those things, that sometimes our voice is lost in the swamped advertising world where pregnant women and parents are cash cows to an ever growing industry of ‘must have things’.
And this is why, when high profile women such as Meghan Markle reportedly choose to have a doula in her birth squad, we get very excited. We also get very excited because we know that she is going to have SO much love during her pregnancy and birth and that is what doulas want for ALL women.”
Why should you have a doula for your first birth?
- A doula will guide you through all the information
- A doula is your confidant on speed dial
- A doula supports you and your partner
- A doula is a member of your birth squad that YOU chose
- Research shows that having a doula makes a difference
- Doulas are for everyone
“A woman, as long as she lives, will remember how she was made to feel at her birth”.
-Anna Verwaal